Libra Tarot Horoscopes: September 2024

You’re not required to support someone else’s life at the expense of your own, Libra. This month will give you the opportunity to take the wheel again in your own life and challenge yourself to self-prioritize. Know that you are worthy of your own time, money, and energy. So pour into yourself and watch how incredibly the rest of the year pans out!

June 2024

Judgment: Life may have been feeling confusing lately, but June is going to give you the opportunity to clear things up. You will have a chance to put your pride aside and finally call a spade a spade. If there’s been a person or situation in your past that has been lingering, taking up space in your mind, you will be given the chance to let it all go once and for all.

There is nothing wrong with the length of time it has taken you to move forward, but you are realizing that wasting any more of your precious time and energy on this situation is simply a wash. Give yourself a chance to fully move forward, and you will be better for it come July! Who knows—with all of this new time on your hands spent without ruminating, you might just meet someone worth spending your time with.

May 2024

two of wands

Two of Wands: It’s imperative that you let go of your past once and for all this month, Libra. There’s no sense in ruminating on things or people that are unavailable to you in the present moment. In order for you to take advantage of the powerful new moon in fellow Venus-ruled Taurus on the 15th, you’ll have to start with a blank canvas.

There is a chance here for you to realize how much better life can get when you are living in the here and now. Instead of looking backward, or even lingering in the hypotheticals of the future, try to take as much time this month to unplug, try new things, travel somewhere new, or do whatever it takes to stay present. Notice how you feel, what (or who) surrounds you, and what the ground underneath your feet feels like. This is a magical opportunity for you to realize a few things: It’s not so bad where you are, you are so much stronger than you think, and love is already here with you—you don’t need to search for it.

April 2024

ten of wands tarot card

Ten of Wands: You’re realizing what a heavy burden it is that you’ve been carrying around on your shoulders this month, and you will have a choice to make: Put this burden down once and for all, or hurt yourself in the process of carrying it forward. There is no guarantee of happiness in this life, but if you are willing to make choices that subliminally say to yourself, “I love you, and I prioritize you,” you will get to your happiness much sooner.

There is no shame in saying that you can’t keep up with things the way you used to. This month will offer you a chance to thank your past self for protecting you the way that they did, but ultimately choose to make efforts to live a kinder, softer, and more loving life in the present moment. Your past does not define you, but the decisions you make in the present moment will.

March 2024

Image may contain Art four of swords tarot

Four of Swords: Life is asking you to pause before you take action, Libra. There is some way in which you are throwing yourself into overdrive and your spirit team is warning you against pushing yourself too hard. There’s no sense in pressing down on the gas pedal if you’re running on E. This will be a month when you finally realize that your inner peace is the most important aspect of life, not the amount of money you make, how many people you impress, or how often you can say yes to things.

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